BDMS Occupational Health

Clinical Occupational and Environmental Medicine > Emergency Medicine and Surgery

Clinical – Emergency Medicine and Surgery

The OEM physician has the knowledge and skill to provide acute medical care for a wide variety of common

injuries and illnesses, as well as to stabilize and refer individuals for emergency care.

  1. Establish emergency procedures and protocols for the clinical management of individuals involved in hazardous materials incidents, including substance-specific first-aid and medical management protocols.
    1. US ATSDR Managing Hazardous Materials Incidents Volume I: Emergency Medical Services
    2. US ATSDR Managing Hazardous Materials Incidents Volume II: Hospital Emergency Departments
    3. US ATSDR Managing Hazardous Materials Incidents Volume III: Medical Management Guidelines
  2. Recognize and institute appropriate emergency care for life-threatening respiratory, CNS, renal, cardiac, or other target organ failure, pending the identification of a specific exposure agent.
    1. US ATSDR Medical Management Guidelines (MMGs) for Acute Chemical Exposures 
  3. Diagnose and manage the work-related implications of surgical conditions.
    1. LaDou J, Harrison R, editors. Current occupational & environmental medicine. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2007.