BDMS Occupational Health

Clinical Occupational and Environmental Medicine > Hematology and Oncology

Clinical – Hematology/Oncology

Occupational and environmental exposures may have potential to cause adverse hematologic effects or may be carcinogenic. The OEM physician has the knowledge and skills to evaluate, diagnose, and prevent the hematologic and carcinogenic effects of occupational and environmental exposures.

  1. Interpret hematologic laboratory studies in the context of medical surveillance and post-exposure examinations.
  2. Perform clinical evaluations to detect the health effects of exposure to hematologic toxins such as benzenelead, and arsine.
  3. Evaluate patients, clinical data, and exposure data to render opinions regarding causation in cases of suspect occupational or environmental cancer.


Resources and References

US NIOSH Occupational Cancer

US ATSDR - Cancer Policy Framework

US ATSDR - Health Effects of Exposure to Substances and Carcinogens

WHO - International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)

IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans


Preventable Exposures Associated With Human Cancer